
Clip from the 2023 Wife Carrying World Championships video. First obstacle is a water pool, second obstacle is a wooden beam to climb over.
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Men racing in the gawthorpe coal carrying race.
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Cheese wheel race in slow-mo.
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Top-down video of competitive puzzling teams at their tables, puzzling.
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Underwater hockey! Or, hockey in 3D.
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Clip of a competitive boat docking highlight reel.
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Heavy metal knitting championship 2022.
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Hobby horsing competitive sport highlight reel.
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Balloon keepy uppy professional competitive sport video.
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From Coraline the movie. The scene with the two older lady neighbors, when Coraline sees their wall of stuffed dogs who have passed on.
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Little animated message in a bottle, bobbing in water.
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tiny pixel art animation of totoro and chibi totoro playing their flutes with music notes drifting from them
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animation of a simple pond with a leaf blowing across and away, leaving gentle ripples behind
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Pixel portait in the style of a stardew valley avatar. Girl with chin-length brownish blondish hair, blunt bangs, blue eyes, light glasses, blue hair clips above the ear, and a yellow sleevless shirt.
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Digital illustration of a dark interior room with odd framed art and objects on the wall. A girl character in a blue dress floats in the foreground, very long and lanky and doll-like. She has short reddish hair with blunt bangs, a patchwork doll creature floats next to her head, tiny blue glowing orbs float near the girl's head, liquid floats up from her feet and hands, and constellations are superimposed in the space around her.
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Digital illustration of a person with short wave reddish blondish hair and big round glasses, an orange tshirt with flowers in the front pocket, and a stylized black line art in the background that slightly resembles wings, set against a tan square.
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Cartoonish cute illustration of a girl with short reddish hair, blue eyes, huge square pink frames, multiple earring studs, a blue flower hair pin, a yellow shirt with a happy sun on it, a purple and pink watch, green comfy jogger pants with a pink stripe up the side, a curled up black kitty next to her, and the girl is sitting on the ground with her knees up, leaning back. She doesn't have shoes or socks on. In the corner there is a cute retro-ish badge that says HELLO! SUNNYCORE
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Digital illustration of a girl with short red hair, blunt bangs, big pink square glasses, double earring hoops, a raggedy beige t-shirt with a tarot-card-esque design that says 'the witch', with pins on the shirt (kitty, stars, plant leaf). The character has a tiny speech bubble that says :D?
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Colorful stylistic digital illustration of a girl with short red hair, huge round pink glasses, big blue eyes with a sparkle, gold red and blue earrings on one ear, a slight frown, wearing a color blocked tank top in the primary colors, holding a can of food, colorful hairclip above the ear, with tiny little people climbing on their hair.
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Digital illustration of a person with short chin-length redish brownish hair, blue eyes, wire glasses, tight smile, small gold earrings, gold chain necklace, rust color overalls, yellow tank top, dimples.
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Digital illustration of a person with short chin-length redish brownish hair, blue eyes, wire glasses, tight smile, small gold earrings, gold chain necklace, rust color overalls, yellow tank top, dimples.
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